Honda with a factory HIS-5 or MLB HIS-5 immobilizer system, yes we have a solution, and even plug & play. This type of immo box can be found in tandem with Keihin/Oki controllers built on K-line communication.

With us, you do not overwrite any data in the engine control unit (you avoid the problems of malfunctioning air conditioning, engine speed fluctuations, loss of power, …). The immobilizer emulation remains fully functional.
Warning: using any other method to disable the immobilizer in this type of control unit leads to an internal error and, in the case of an automatic transmission, puts it into emergency mode!

Algorithm precision characterizes all Ecuserwis emulators, from basic to specific ones, you can simply rely on. You won’t find a solution for Honda with HIS-5 in most e-shops dealing with immo emulators.
You can purchase the emulator in our e-shop. Plug & play version is perfect!